There are several things you need to know about surge protection. First, your home must be properly grounded regardless of the grade of protection. Second, for maximum protection, there needs to be two stages of protection.
Primary surge protection is installed at your meter or service entrance. Secondary surge protection is the plug type of protection. There are major differences in the quality and protection levels of surge protectors offered in today’s market.
The plug-in surge protectors are the most common type of protection in use. These units are used to protect computers, fax machines, or other sensitive electronic equipment. Most of the time, people buy these secondary surge protectors based on price and not the level of protection provided. Consequently, they don’t have the protection they think they have.
A maximum grade of surge protectors are now available through the REMC. Buying surge protection equipment from the REMC is easy! Most of the items will be shipped directly to your home.
Please contact Nick Geswein at 812-734-3538 or for information or to order products.